November 7, 2018

Concert #846 - Kacy & Clayton at the Claremont Folk Music Center (October10, 2018)

Kacy & Clayton's concert last month in Claremont did not live up to the expectations created by, ironically, their own music videos I had watched on YouTube, while I was debating with myself whether or not to attend their concert. My final decision was to attend, but sadly, I found their live act lacking the youthful energy that makes live shows fun. I also found their repertoire somewhat monotonous and bland. To these ears, there weren't too many hooks in their songs, nor did they force my toes into uncontrollable tapping. Long story short, I went home disappointed. It's not that Clayton Linthicum and Kacy Anderson lack talent. Clayton is a decent guitarist and Kacy can sing, but they can definitely use some help when it comes to their song selection.

Their one-hour-long show was attended by a small crowd, no more than thirty people, but that was to be expected for a mid-week event.

There was no opening act.

Kacy & Clayton at the Folk Music Center
Kacy & Clayton at the Folk Music Center
The stage
Concert organizer Jerry O'Sullivan introducing the duo
Claremont's Folk Music Center
Kacy & Clayton merchandise for sale at the Folk Music Center
Stringed instruments on the walls of the Folk Music Center

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